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Wine and Salad

The process that led me to create Wine and Salad


The visual vision that led eventually to writing the script for "wine and salad" was born in my head during the second year of collage, by listening to Elvis Presley's song - "Love Me Tender". As I listened to the song an image suddenly struck me. In that surrealist image I imagined a chubby butcher dancing with a huge piece of meat to the sounds of "Love Me Tender" that were so contrary to the situation. With time the script that came out of this idea has been grew, shrank, flipped and changed, and the music that accompanies it eventually had shaped and changed many times. but in the end I stayed with a butcher, a piece of meat and a love story.

When I decided my final film will deal with a love story, I realized that there is no better place than France to be the storey background. Although I visited France only once, when I was very young, I absorbed the French atmosphere and culture since I was a little girl, whether from my parents childhood stories, or my mother paintings which she creates while sitting on the street during her visits in France.

As a daughter of French parents I was always attracted to the French language and culture. Bake at home Hebrew and French were always intertwined, despite the fact that my parents, who immigrated to Israel during their teenage years, decided out of principle to speak to us only the holy language ,Hebrew, as children. Only when we grew up and Hebrew was our maternal language, my parents started talking to us French deliberately, and I, which the interest in it sparked in at an early age, finally began to learn it and use it. So when I wrote the script for my final film, I felt the words flow easily in my head.

In this film, that concludes a long period of my life, I hope I had managed to catch both my vision and the sights and stories which I grow up on. Ultimately, however, if we'll shift of any influence that led me this far, eventually I just wanted to express a naive and somewhat amusing story about love...

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